Why do I recommend patients switch to an organic diet?

Embracing an organic lifestyle, to the extent your budget allows, is a powerful step toward prioritizing your health and well-being.

The Environmental Working Group (EWG), a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering consumers, annually releases the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen lists (see below). These lists guide us in making informed choices about the fruits and vegetables we consume.

The Dirty Dozen highlights produce with higher pesticide residues, emphasizing the importance of choosing these items organically. Conversely, the Clean Fifteen showcases options with lower pesticide residues, offering more flexibility for those on a budget. So, if you can only afford a few organic items, then choose foods primarily from the Clean Fifteen list.

The significance of these lists lies in the potential dangers associated with heavy pesticide and herbicide use on crops. Pesticides are chemicals used to control pests and diseases in agriculture, but their widespread use raises concerns about their impact on human health, particularly for adults. Some of the common chemicals found in conventional farming include:

Glyphosate: A key component in many herbicides, including the widely used Roundup, glyphosate has garnered attention for its potential impact on health. It has been associated with various health issues in adults, including disruptions in gut microbiome, liver function, oxidative stress, inflammation, endocrine disruption, genotoxicity, and carcinogenicity. More on glyphosate below.

Chlorpyrifos: A widely used organophosphate insecticide, chlorpyrifos has been linked to neurological and developmental disorders in adults, particularly those with chronic exposure. Studies have shown associations between chlorpyrifos exposure and increased risk of neurodevelopmental issues, including cognitive deficits and neurobehavioral disorders.

Neonicotinoids: These systemic insecticides have been implicated in the decline of bee populations and are also suspected of harming other non-target organisms, including birds and aquatic life. In adults, exposure to neonicotinoids has been linked to neurological symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, and cognitive impairment.

Organophosphates: Another class of insecticides, organophosphates have been associated with neurodevelopmental disorders, respiratory issues, and disruption of hormone signaling pathways in adults. Chronic exposure to organophosphates has been linked to increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease, and respiratory problems, such as asthma.

These pesticides, among others, pose risks to human health, particularly for those who may be exposed to them through food consumption. Therefore, choosing organic options whenever possible can help minimize exposure to these harmful chemicals and promote overall well-being.

Educating yourself on making wise choices at the grocery store is empowering. Consider growing your own produce or supporting local organic farmers (like Beaver Creek Farms and Middle River Farm in McKellar), if possible. Be mindful of GMO culprits, particularly corn and soy, and opt for certified organic options.

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